Friday, July 2, 2010

The Weekly Dig Introduces Up-and-going Artist Ashley Freedman

Make Way for B.P.
by Ashley Freeland

I did this one in ink one Saturday night with a bottle of wine, and decided to send it into the Weekly Dig the next night. To my astonishment they returned my email the very next morning and asked if I'd like it to be in the Dig This calendar section of that week's publication. If you don't know what the Weekly Dig is, it is Boston's premier arts and entertainment weekly magazine and it swears a lot. They were pretty excited about it too, and unfortunately the excitement got the best of them and they were unable to proofread any of the paper. So I ended up being cited as Ashley Freedman. I was filing for a name change when they decided to publish a correction the following week. A very triumphant, exciting moment in my life indeed.

Most of you from Boston are familiar with the city's deep connection to the book Make Way For Ducklings by Robert McCloskey. We are so enamored with the precious little ducklings that we had a bronze statue put in the Boston Public Garden. As a reaction to the B.P. oil spill, I covered them in oil, to show how the horrific event can tarnish a city. Copyright, copyright, copyright.

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